Theatre, Theatre Everywhere

There is theatre everywhere. In every town, city, state, country, there is theatre. You don’t have to be living in NYC to get access to a show. Local theatre is booming. It’s wonderful to expose people to this. It doesn’t matter if you see a show at a local high school, a community theatre, or a local college. So many people produce shows all over the world.

There are touring shows, and if you live in a moderately sized city, or near one, chances are that you’ll have a venue where touring shows come too. More often than not, the touring shows will be just as high a caliber as the original Broadway show-often for a lower cost.

Speaking of local theatre, there’s theatre happening right here on campus. Come and see The Servant of Two Masters starting on April 8th though April 19th!

2 thoughts on “Theatre, Theatre Everywhere

  1. Once again, I really enjoy your blog! I never really considered how much work went into rehearsals during “hell week” and how props, make-up, wigs and costumes are handled. I loved going to Broadway productions when I was younger and lived in NY. Now it sounds like I should take advantage of more local productions that are occurring in our community. Thanks again for enlightening me on your fine art!


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